Get ahead in card payments
Accepting card deposits or linking a transaction back to payee is crucial part of your payment strategy. Fast onboarding, omni-channel proposal of partnering institutions and improved success rates are keys to your growth, and we are glad to help you with that.
The ultimate one-stop link to multiple global and local acquirers
Paytastic is offering real omni-channel acquiring via a network of reliable partners and direct acquirers aimed at best conversions and acceptance rates.
Based on business type, target customers and their location we can help you pick the right channel for both card deposits and card payouts

Gateway with global outreach
A true powerhouse when it gets to capability to connect you via our API to multiple acquirers on a local scale for LATAM, Africa, Eu, UK. If you're pursuing improved conversions and acceptance rates, we are glad to provide a consultation and once you are plugged in, our gateway is equipped to benefit you with transaction routing and orchestration capabilities.